Typical Session

Whilst we have a daily routine, we like to remain flexible and regularly adapt a session to suit the needs of the children and to make the most of unplanned opportunities. A typical day, however, will be based on the time-table below.

08:00 – 09:00

Breakfast Club arrivals are welcomed into the setting. Children are provided with a variety of cereals, toast and other healthy options to set them up for day!

09:00 – 09:15 Parents and children arrive and are welcomed to the setting. Parents leave the children to engage in free play. Any special notes about children are written down and staff will be available to talk briefly with parents.

09:15 – 09:25

Children and staff gather for registration.

09:25 – 11:40


Free play. The children are encouraged to explore the facilities available to them and are able to select their own toys to play with. A different adult led activity (linked to the 6 areas of learning) will be planned and made available each day. The outdoor play area is accessible every day, except when the weather is bad. The children are allowed to come and go as they please. During this time the snack bar will be open, small groups of children sit round a table with a member of staff and are offered a drink of milk or water and a variety of snacks.

11:40 – 11:50

Tidy up time. We encourage everybody to help tidy toys away.

11:50 – 12:00

Circle time. All staff and children come together at the end of the session to share an activity. This might be singing, story time, playing with instruments, learning the days of the week or discussion about the day. We also celebrate birthdays.


Home time. Parents come to collect the children.

12:00 – 12:30

Lunch club children wash their hands and sit down together at the table to eat the packed lunch they have brought in or the freshly prepared hot lunch and pudding option. This is an opportunity for social and communication development.


Lunch club children are collected.

12.30 - 15.30

The schedule is repeated for the afternoon session.